What We Ask of You….

Get Involved! – The Second Constitutional Convention Will Not Happen Without You!

If you agree with or at least mostly agree with the mission of Citizen’s First, all we ask is that you get involved. There are several levels of involvement and which level you choose is entirely up to you and you have our solemn promise that we will never pressure you to increase your efforts.

The minimum level of involvement we need from you is for you to write all of your state legislators (hopefully more than once) sharing your concerns about our current state of government and encouraging them to take the lead to establish a Second Constitutional Convention. We encourage you to share the Citizens First website with your legislators, and feel free to use the links, and posted documents we provide. If you are not comfortable writing your own letter, there is a sample letter at the bottom of this page. Whether you write your own letter or use our sample letter, use the links to the right to find the e-mail address or fax number or your state representatives. Copy and paste the sample letter text into an e-mail or fax, add your representative’s name and your signature and you have just helped!

If you choose to go beyond the minimum, and we hope you do, please tell at least 10 friends or coworkers, or even your entire address book about Citizens First, and encourage them to write their state legislators as well. Again, use the links to our website to encourage people to check us out.

We also encourage you to write letters to the editors, or submit guest editorials to the papers and magazines to which you subscribe. If you are not comfortable writing your own editorial, feel free to use the sample editorials we provide using the links to the right of this page.

If you choose to get still further involved, please send back to us any feedback or objections you receive from your state legislators which will enable us to develop responses you or others can use. You can contact us by using the “Contact Us” link at the right side of this page.

The highest level of involvement is for you to share your e-mail address, state of residence and list of state legislators you have contacted. The e-mail address information will not be shared and would be used only for distributing newsletters and similar information. The listing of states and state legislators contacted would enable us to determine where we are being most successful and where our greatest opportunities remain. Again, contact us at the link on the right and we will be sure to get back to you.

Sample Letter One in a MS Word Doc

Sample Letter Two in an MS Word Doc

Sample Letter Three in an MS Word Doc

- - - - - - - - - - -SAMPLE LETTER- - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear State (Representative/Senator):

I am a United States citizen and resident of (insert your state), and I am deeply concerned about the direction and leadership of our Federal government and seek your leadership under Article V of the United States Constitution to take action.

I am fully aware and recognize that the state legislatures have never come together to re-assert the authority of American citizens over the Federal government through Article V, but I believe the time has come for American citizens to do just that – re-assert authority, through our elected state legislatures as provided by Article V.

The reasons I believe this action is necessary include:
  • The corruption and poor leadership at the federal level that created the current financial crisis

  • A presidential primary process that disenfranchises many citizens and frequently results in poor presidential candidate options

  • United States Senators and Representatives who often act on their own or special interest’s behalf to get re-elected instead of the best interest of the citizens of the United States

  • Election results often highly influenced by relatively few through their financial contributions, with their own interests in mind instead of the best interest of the citizens of the United States

The changes I believe are needed cannot be accomplished through the United States Congress because most of the changes needed would significantly reduce the power of the established leadership, and human nature dictates that established leadership will act first to protect itself. I recognize that theoretically we citizens already have the ultimate authority which we exercise through our votes. The unfortunate reality is that established leadership and special interests have created barriers such that well above 80% of congressional office holders get re-elected time after time despite very low approval ratings.

It really is time for a change, and as my state (Representative/Senator), I am looking to you to initiate that change. There are many citizen groups and individuals who share my beliefs. One good source of information is Citizens First which is a group recently formed to promote the very thing I am asking you to do – work to convene a Second Constitutional Convention under Article V. The link and e-mail address for Citizens First is as follows:



Thanks sincerely for your consideration of my thoughts, and I look forward to hearing your reply.
